Friday, 22 May 2009 by Stefan Gimpl (comments: 0)

Flying Devil

Flying Devil


When the ski resort was already closed in Les Diablorets, Switzerland we had the chance to fly up to the glacier with a small airplane and ride the jumps up there just by our selfs. O'Neill organized the whole thing for us (the team). The jump was really good and it was such a relaxed atmosphere to ride the whole day into the evening sun. 

After a bumpy flight we landed on the snow. The plane had skis to make it possible. But still it was scary. Snowboarding the jumps was definitely safer that day! 


tl_files/Newsbilder/2008 News/les diablorets/IMG_1313.jpgFlying Devil was the name of the plane. 

tl_files/Newsbilder/2008 News/les diablorets/IMG_1301.jpgquite a different boarding procedure. 

tl_files/Newsbilder/2008 News/les diablorets/StephanGimpl_Diablerets_DomDaher-7935.jpg

tl_files/Newsbilder/2008 News/les diablorets/IMG_1308.jpg

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